
July 2024
Our paper "A Little Goes a Long Way: Tuning Configuration Selection for Continuous Kernel Fuzzing" by Sanan Hasanov, Stefan Nagy, and Paul Gazzillo has been accepted to ICSE 2025!
June 2024
Derian Comas has joined the lab.
May 2024
Zachary Burkett and Joseph Zalusky have joined the lab.
Mar 2024
Brent Pappas has won Faculty Cluster Initiative Student Scholarship from UCF. Congrats, Brent!
Jan 2024
Our paper "Maximizing Patch Coverage for Testing of Highly-Configurable Software without Exploding Build Times" has been accepted to FSE 2024!
Jan 2023
Alexei Solonari, Noah Isaacson, and Fabian Ruiz Delgado have joined the lab.
Nov 2023
Martin de Salterain has joined the lab.
Aug 2023
Our paper "Semantic Analysis of Macro Usage for Portability" by Brent Pappas and Paul Gazzillo was accepted to ICSE 2024!
June 2023
Sanan Hasanov has reported a Linux Kernel bug that resulted in CVE-2023-3161.
June 2023
Sanan Hasanov will be interning at Margin Research Security. Congrats, Sanan!
May 2023
I was awarded a planning grant with Myra Cohen to develop community infrastructure for configurability research.
May 2023
Brent Pappas will be interning at Trail of Bits. Congrats, Brent!
Apr 2023
Rodrigo Vena Garcia has joined the lab!
Feb 2023
Sharu Abraham has joined the lab!
Oct 2022
Our paper "Bringing Together Configuration Research: Towards a Common Ground" by Paul Gazzillo and Myra B. Cohen was accepted to Onward 2022 Essays!
Aug 2022
Sanan Hasanov and Austin Lee Davis have joined the lab!
Aug 2022
I am excited to be joining the program committee for PLDI 2023.!
Jun 2022
Necip and I gave a talk at the Open Source Summit North American (slides).
Jun 2022
Stephen Maldonado has joined the lab!
May 2022
Tsehai Boucaud has joined the lab!
May 2022
First LKML bug report after Intel 0-day integrated kismet (code, paper), our Kconfig dependency analyzer, into their test robot! Thanks to Intel 0-day for the collaboration and congratulations to all the students (Necip, Jeho, and Julian)!
Mar 2022
I am excited to be joining the program committee for ISSRE 2022!
Dec 2021
Our paper "SugarC: Scalable Desugaring of Real-World Preprocessor Usage into Pure C" by Zach Patterson, Zenong Zhang, Brent Pappas, Shiyi Wei, and Paul Gazzillo was accepted to ICSE 2022!
Sep 2021
I gave a talk at the Open Source Summit Europe (slides).
Sep 2021
Zoran Kolega has joined the lab!
Aug 2021
I gave a talk at ESEC/FSE on "Finding Broken Linux Configuration Specifications by Statically Analyzing the Kconfig Language" (slides).
Aug 2021
I've received the DARPA Young Faculty Award!
Aug 2021
New graduate students have joined the lab: Julian and Kaarthik (who were both previously undergraduate researchers), Brent, and Ronaldo.
May 2021
Our paper "Finding Broken Linux Configuration Specifications by Statically Analyzing the Kconfig Language" by Jeho Oh, Necip Fazıl Yıldıran, Julian Braha, and Paul Gazzillo was accepted to ESEC/FSE 2021!
Apr 2021
I gave a talk at FOSD 2021, "Helping Linux Maintainers Localize Configurations: Progress towards a Comprehensive Solution" (slides) (demo).
Feb 2021
Our paper "SeMPE: Secure Multi Path Execution Architecture for Removing Conditional Branch Side Channels" by Andrea Mondelli, Paul Gazzillo, and Yan Solihin was accepted to DAC 2021!
Nov 2020
I gave a talk at ESEC/FSE on "Inferring and Securing Software Configurations using Automated Reasoning" (slides).
Oct 2020
I gave a talk at the Open Source Summit Europe (slides).
Aug 2020
I am excited to be joining the program committee for PLDI 2021!
Aug 2020
Necip Yildiran joined as a graduate research assistant.
July 2020
My paper "Inferring and Securing Software Configurations Using Automated Reasoning" was accepted into the ESEC/FSE 2020 Visions & Reflections track!
June 2020
Jeho Oh joined as a visiting graduate research assistant.
May 2020
Kmax Tool Suite Version 2.0 has been released.
Mar 2020
I gave a talk (video) (slides) at LibrePlanet 2020 along with Josh Santana.
Jan 2020
Congratulations to Julian Braha on his acceptance to a DAAD RISE research internship.
Jan 2020
My NSF CAREER award is now official!
Jan 2020
Alexandra Arriola and Reeder Ward have joined as undergraduate research assistants.
Jan 2020
Went on a podcast to discuss privacy considerations for consumer smart devices.
Dec 2019
Went on local news to discuss tips for consumer cybersecurity.
Oct 2019
Julian Braha, Kai Garcia, Jacob Thomas, and Connor Westcott ran our Stem Day event "What Is Inside My Computer?".
Oct 2019
Genoveva Fossas has joined as an undergraduate research assistant.
Aug 2019
I gave a talk, "Good Engineering Makes for Good Science", at The Third ROSE Festival at ESEC/FSE 2019
Aug 2019
Sayma Sultana has joined as a graduate research assistant.
Aug 2019
Our paper, "Conflict Abstractions and Shadow Speculation for Optimistic Transactional Objects", has been accepted to APLAS 2019!
Aug 2019
A pre-release of the latest version of Kmax with many new improvements to performance, functionality, documentation, and testing.
July 2019
Kaarthik Alagappan and Julian Braha will be working with me as undergraduate research assistants.
July 2019
Preprint of "An Empirical Study of Real-World Variability Bugs Detected by Variability-Oblivious Tools" now available.
June 2019
Our challenge solution paper "t-wise Coverage by Uniform Sampling" was accepted to the SPLC Challenge Track.
June 2019
I hosted Computer Science sessions at UCF's Camp Connect.
June 2019
Slides from my talk "Conditional Compilation is Dead, Long Live Conditional Compilation!" at ICSE 2019 now available.
June 2019
Our journal article "Adding Concurrency to Smart Contracts" was accepted to the journal Distributed Computing.
May 2019
Our paper, "An Empirical Study of Real-World Variability Bugs Detected by Variability-Oblivious Tools", has been accepted to ESEC/FSE!
May 2019
I gave a guest talk at SNAPL, "Can We Replace the Preprocessor by Extending C?​".
May 2019
I gave an invited talk, "Security Considerations for Highly-Configurable Software", at the 1st International Conference on Smart Tourism, Smart Cities and Enabling Technologies.
April 2019
Josh Santana and Pradheep Kethi-Reddy will be working with me over the summer thanks to generous funding from the NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates.
Jan 2019
Jin Koay has joined as an undergraduate research assistant.
Dec 2018
Our paper "Conditional Compilation is Dead, Long Live Conditional Compilation!" has been accepted to ICSE NIER!
Sep 2018
I gave a talk on our SPLC Challenge Track paper "Localizing Configurations in Highly-Configurable Systems".
Aug 2018
Joined University of Central Florida as an assistant professor.
May 2018
I was awarded a collaborative grant from the NSF on analyzing configurable systems.
Apr 2018
I am excited to be joining UCF as an assistant professor this August!
Mar 2018
We contributed "How to add concurrency to smart contracts" to the new Distributed Computing column of the Bulletin of the EATCS.
Feb 2018
I'm excited to be on the program committee for the SPLC Challenge Track. Try solving one of the challenges!
Jan 2018
Our paper "On-the-Chain Proofs for 'Off-the-Chain' Safety" was accepted at WTSC 2018!
Jan 2018
Our SPLC challenge case, "Localizing Configurations in Highly-Configurable Systems", has been accepted!
Sep 2017
Our smart contract concurrency paper was featured on the morning blog.
Aug 2017
Slides from my talk on "Adding Concurrency to Smart Contracts" at PODC 2017 now available.
Jul 2017
Slides from my ESEC FSE 2017 talk on Kmax now available.
Jul 2017
Preprint of ESEC/FSE 2017 paper on Kmax now up.
Jul 2017
I gave a talk at PODC 2017 on "Adding Concurrency to Smart Contracts".
Jun 2017
Video and slides of my PLDI 2017 talk on our timing channel static analysis work now available.
Jun 2017
My paper on Makefile analysis will appear at ESEC/FSE 2017.
Jun 2017
I gave a talk at PLDI 2017 on our timing channel static analysis paper.
Jun 2017
Gave a talk at NEPLS on our upcoming PLDI 2017 paper
May 2017
Our paper "Adding Concurrency to Smart Contracts" will appear at PODC 2017.
Mar 2017
Gave a talk at FOSD 2017 on "Enabling Variability-Aware Software Tools"